This should hopefully force the update to show.When asked about features, this software is very sophisticated and supports the photo editing process. There are features Raw Editing, HDR Merge, Panorama Stitching, PSD Editing, 360 Image Editing, Digital Painting and many other features. In addition, in processing RAW files, this software is able to work 2 times faster than other applications. If this does not happen for you, open the Windows Store app and click the three dots in the top right corner of the app and then go to Downloads and Updates. If you’ve purchased from the Microsoft Store- Microsoft Store updates are done automatically by the operating system (each time you start the application). Alternatively, this new release (and previous versions of Affinity Designer for Windows) can be downloaded from this link (that installer is NOT for Windows Store purchases and needs a product key). You can download the latest installer by logging into the affinity store here and find the order in your account and use the " Download" button in there. The latest update will install over the top of any earlier version, with no need to uninstall. If you’ve purchased from the Affinity Store- each time you start the Affinity Store software it will check for updates and offer any available update. The software version can be seen on the splash screen and the About dialog (in Help > About Affinity Designer). UPDATING TO THIS VERSION (free for existing customers) The improvements in 1.10 over 1.9 are listed in some detail in this 1.10.0 Designer Windows update announcement